

Microservices is an approach that builds a single application as a package of small services. These services each run in their process and communicate through lightweight mechanisms, often HTTP-based application programming interfaces (APIs). Microservices usually perform a specific business task, so the full functionality of the application is a collection of these small, specialized services.

This implementation approach has several advantages:

  • Scalability: microservices allow for independent scaling of different parts of the application, allowing for more flexible responses to changing needs and increasing workloads.
  • Independence: different microservices have separate development and deployment cycles, minimizing the impact on the system as a whole when a particular service changes.
  • Technological diversity: each microservice can be built on different technologies and languages, allowing the selection of the best solution for each part.
  • Flexibility: Microservices make it easier to introduce new features or modify existing ones without affecting the whole application.
  • Fault tolerance and scalability: Because microservices are isolated from each other, a single fault or load increase does not affect the whole application, only the service concerned.